How To Make Small In Little Alchemy 2?

Small in Little Alchemy 2 means something that is not big. It defines things or elements that take up less space. In the game, combining different small elements can lead to creating new items and growing your options.

This article will help you easily answer Small and improve your alchemy skills. “How to Make Small in Little Alchemy 2”. Just start by opening the game and finding the small thing. Then, mix it with material like Air or Earth to create new things. Keep trying different combos until you make something small. It might take a few tries, but you’ll figure out how to make tiny mess in no time.

To make something small in Little Alchemy 2, you need to mix a specific idea with one of twelve other things that are small. In real life, we understand smallness by comparing and distinguishing different sizes and meanings.

All Methods of Making Small in Little Alchemy 2

Below are the combinations to create Small in Little Alchemy 2.

               Combination of elements Results
Philosophy + BacteriaSmall
Philosophy + AntSmall
Philosophy + bacteriaSmall
Philosophy + BeeSmall
Carbon Dioxide + PhilosophySmall
Philosophy + confettiSmall
Philosophy + OxygenSmall
Philosophy + ozoneSmall
Philosophy + PebbleSmall
Philosophy + RivuletSmall
Philosophy + ScorpionSmall
Philosophy + SeahorseSmall
Philosophy + SpiderSmall

How to Make Small In Little Alchemy 2 From Scratch / Without Time?

To create Small from Scratch, you need to blend together the following elements.

  • First, mix Water with Water to make a Puddle.
  • Then, add a Puddle to Water to make a Pond.
  • Next, mix a Pond with Water to make a Lake.
  • After that, mix a Lake with Water to make a Sea.
  • First, mix Earth with Sea to make Primordial Soup.
  • Then, mix Fire with Fire to make Energy.
  • Next, mix Energy with Primordial Soup to make Life.
  • After that, mix Earth with Fire to make Lava.
  • First, mix Lava with Air to make Stone.
  • Then, mix Fire with Stone to make Metal.
  • Next, mix Earth with Metal to make a Plow.
  • After that, mix Earth with a Plow to make a Field.
  • First, mix Stone with Stone to make a Wall.
  • Then, mix a Wall with itself to make a House.
  • Next, mix a Field with a House to make a Barn.
  • After that, mix Fire with Life to make a Phoenix.
  • First, mix a Phoenix with itself to make an Egg.
  • Then, mix a Barn with an Egg to make a Chicken.
  • Next, mix a Chicken with an Egg to make Philosophy.
  • After that, mix Earth with Water to make Mud.
  • First, mix Mud with Life to make Bacteria.
  • Finally, mix Philosophy with Bacteria to make Small.

Here is a table for better understanding.

Combination of ElementsResults
Water and WaterPuddle
Puddle and WaterPond
Pond and WaterLake
Lake and WaterSea
Earth and SeaPrimordial Soup
Fire and FireEnergy
Energy and Primordial SoupLife
Earth and FireLava
Lava and AirStone
Fire and StoneMetal
Earth and MetalPlow
Earth and PlowField
Stone and StoneWall
Wall and WallHouse
Field and HouseBarn
Fire and LifePhoenix
Phoenix and PhoenixEgg
Barn and EggChicken
Chicken and EggPhilosophy
Earth and WaterMud
Mud and LifeBacteria
Philosophy and BacteriaSmall

So, there you go. Easy, right?

If you’re new to the game and want more info, or if you’re sharing this with a friend who’s just starting out, we’ve got more detailed orders below that might help.

The next sections will explain things in more detail if you need it. If we’ve already talked about something before, we’ll just give you the links so you can open them in new tabs.

Whether we give you all the details or a mix of details and links, you’ll have step-by-step orders for making everything, with pictures for each step.

How do you create Philosophy in the game Little Alchemy 2?

The next step in creating Small in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Philosophy in Little Alchemy 2.

Step 1: Combine Chicken and Egg

In the game Little Alchemy 2, creating Philosophy contains a two-step process. First, you need to combine Chicken and Egg. This combination forms the basis for creating the concept of life and beginnings.

Step 2: Create Philosophy

Once you’ve successfully combined Chicken and Egg, you’ll answer the Philosophy element. This represents the thoughtful ideas and questioning typical of philosophical thought within the game’s context.

What are the steps to make Bacteria in Little Alchemy 2?

The next step in creating Small in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Bacteria in Little Alchemy 2.

Step 1: Combine Mud and Life

In Little Alchemy 2, the first step to creating bacteria is to combine two basic elements: Mud and Life. This combination will crop the original form of bacteria, setting the stage for more experimentation.

Step 2: Observe and Experiment

Once you’ve successfully combined Mud and Life, observe the result closely. This combination should now represent the important spirit of bacteria. From here, you can more experiment by combining this new element with others to fix more complex creations within the game.

How can you make Small in the game Little Alchemy 2?

The next step in creating Small in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Small in Little Alchemy 2.

Step 1: Combine Philosophy and Bacteria

In the game Little Alchemy 2, the first step to create Small is by combining Philosophy and Bacteria. This combination sets the foundation for the transformation process.

Step 2: Observe Transformation

Once Philosophy and Bacteria are combined, see the transformation carefully. The result will be Small in Little Alchemy 2, representing a successful combination small in Little Alchemy 2.

What New Elements Can We Create Using Small in Little Alchemy 2?

Don’t worry, friends! The fun is just getting started! You can make lots of cool stuff with the Small in Little Alchemy 2. It’s like opening a door to endless options! So, go on, have fun decisive, finding new things, and making awesome creations. Your adventure is waiting.

Combination of ElementsResults
Small + LifeBacteria
Small + TreeBonsai Tree
Small + HillBoulder
Small + AirGust
Small + WindGust
Small + MountainHill
Small + SeaLake
Small + ContinentLand
Small + DinosaurLizard
Small + PlanetMercury
Small + EarthPebble
Small + RockPebble
Small + StonePebble
Small + TreePlant
Small + LakePond
Small + PondPuddle
Small + StreamRivulet
Small + BoulderRock
Small + JupiterSaturn
Small + OceanSea
Small + RiverStream
Small + ClockWatch

Frequently Asked Questions

How to make phoenix in Little Alchemy 2?

To create a phoenix in Little Alchemy 2, you need to combine Fire and Bird. This will result in the creation of a phoenix.

Is Godzilla in Little Alchemy 2?

No, Godzilla is not a default element in Little Alchemy 2. The game primarily features basic elements that players combine to create new items, and Godzilla is not one of them.

Is Little Alchemy 2 school appropriate?

Yes, Little Alchemy 2 is generally considered appropriate for school settings. It’s a puzzle-solving game that involves combining elements to create new ones, promoting creativity and critical thinking.

How to make a small in Little Alchemy 2?

To create a small in Little Alchemy 2, you need to combine Big and Time. This will result in the creation of a small in Little Alchemy 2.


Crafting Small in Little Alchemy 2 is a draft with our complete guide. Follow our step-by-step orders to summon Small in Little Alchemy 2. Simply combine elements create this interesting component. Start your crafting journey now and solve a world of limitless options in Little Alchemy 2.

The game is easy to play. Just mix things together to make new stuff. There are so many things you can create! It’s like a big adventure where you can try different mixtures to see what happens. Little Alchemy 2 is a game for everyone to enjoy. You can make small things and fix new stuff while having a great time.

Thanks for reading about how to make Small in Little Alchemy. We hope our tips help you combine the elements and create Small successfully. If you need help with Little Alchemy 2 or making something, just ask us. We’re here to help. Have fun mixing things!

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