How To Make Wood In Little Alchemy 2?

Little Alchemy 2 is a fun and addictive online puzzle game where players combine different elements to create new items. The goal is to explain all possible combinations by merger basic elements and seeing their amazing changes.

With nearly one thousand elements in Little Alchemy 2, it is a difficult task to craft each unique item in the game. Our guides will help you with any difficulties you may have on your crafting journey. “How To Make Wood in Little Alchemy 2?” Follow our step-by-step advices to seamlessly combine the needed elements and answer the recipe for crafting wood in little Alchemy 2, an important element in your alchemical endeavors.

Wood is a basic element that can be created by combining two different elements. To make wood, you need to mix elements. Wood is an important material used in many combinations to create more complex items in the game.

How to make Wood in Little Alchemy 2 from scratch

We must combine some elements to create elements wood in little alchemy 2 from scratch. They are all listed below.

Please follow the steps provided and mention to the table and infographic for a clearer understanding.

  • Make a Puddle by putting Water and Water together.
  • Make a Pond by adding Water to the Puddle.
  • Now, add more Water to make a Lake.
  • Add Water to the Lake to get a Sea.
  • Mix Earth and Sea to make a Primordial Soup.
  • Create Energy by mixing Fire and Fire.
  • Mix Energy with Primordial Soup to create Life.
  • Mix Earth and Fire to make Lava.
  • Combine Lava with Air to make Stone.
  • Now, mix Fire with Stone to make Metal.
  • Use Earth and Metal to create a Plow.
  • Mix Earth with the Plow to make a Field.
  • Make a Wall by combining Stones.
  • Use Walls to build a House.
  • Mix Fields and Houses to make a Barn.
  • Create a Phoenix by combining Fire and Life.
  • Make an Egg by putting Phoenixes together.
  • Use a Barn and an Egg to make a Chicken.
  • Combine Chicken and Egg to make Philosophy.
  • Mix Earth to make Land.
  • Combine Earth to make a Continent.
  • Combine Continents to make a planet.
  • Add Air to the Planet to make an Atmosphere.
  • Combine Atmosphere with Water to make Clouds.
  • Make Rain by mixing Clouds with Water.
  • Combine Philosophy and Planet to make Big.
  • Mix Earth and Life to make Soil.
  • Create a Plant by combining Rain with Soil.
  • Make a Tree by combining Big with Plant.
  • Mix Stone and Metal to make a Blade.
  • Combine Metal with the Blade to make a Sword.
  • Finally, make Wood by combining Tree and Sword.

Here is a table for a better understanding.

Combination of ElementsResult
Water + WaterPuddle
Puddle + WaterPond
Pond + WaterLake
Lake + WaterSea
Earth + SeaPrimordial Soup
Fire + FireEnergy
Energy + Primordial SoupLife
Earth + FireLava
Lava + AirStone
Fire + StoneMetal
Earth + MetalPlow
Earth + PlowField
Stone + StoneWall
Wall + WallHouse
Field + HouseBarn
Fire + LifePhoenix
Phoenix + PhoenixEgg
Barn + EggChicken
Chicken + EggPhilosophy
Earth + EarthLand
Earth + LandContinent
Continent + ContinentPlanet
Air + PlanetAtmosphere
Atmosphere + WaterCloud
Cloud + WaterRain
Philosophy + PlanetBig
Earth + LifeSoil
Rain + SoilPlant
Big + PlantTree
Stone + MetalBlade
Metal + BladeSword
Tree + SwordWood

If you’re a newcomer to the game and seek other information, or if you’re introducing this to a friend who is just starting out, we research into more complete accounts below, which might prove beneficial.

Following sections will walk you through the process in greater detail, should you find it necessary. In examples where steps and items have been previously traditional and shared, we will usefully provide links by section for you to open in separate tabs.

Whether you’re presented with complete details or a blend of information and links, you’ll receive a step-by-step guide for creating each item, complete with screenshots for every step.

Little Alchemy 2 Atmosphere crafting tips

The next step in creating Wood in Little Alchemy 2 is to create element. Atmosphere is created by combining Earth and Air. It represents the layer of gases surrounding a wonderful body, such as Earth, and is an important element in the game’s alchemical combinations.

Little Alchemy 2 Atmosphere crafting tips

Combine Air and Planet

In Little Alchemy 2, start your Atmosphere crafting journey by combining the important elements of Air and Planet. Find these elements in your workspace and merge them to lay the foundation for creating a rich and many atmospheres.

Witness the Transformation

Once Air and Planet have successfully complex, see the magical transformation as your creation changes into a difficult atmosphere. This newly crafted atmosphere will open up possibilities for more combinations, allowing you to explore and notice more elements in the charming world of Little Alchemy 2.

Cloud in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Wood in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Cloud. In Little Alchemy 2, Cloud is an element that can be created by combining two basic elements, namely Air and Steam. It means a floating mass of water air in the game’s alchemical world.

Cloud in Little Alchemy 2
Cloud in Little Alchemy 2

Combine Atmosphere and Water

In Little Alchemy 2, crafting an Atmosphere involves a simple two-step process. Begin by combining the important element of Atmosphere with Water. This opening combination sets the stage for more alchemical creations.

Witness the Transformation

Once you’ve successfully blended Atmosphere and Water, detect the magical change as your concoction changes into something new. Show the secrets of Little Alchemy 2 and notice the charming results of your crafting journey.

Rain recipe in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Wood in Little Alchemy 2 is to create rain. In Little Alchemy 2, rain is the result of combining two basics elements. It represents the natural wonder of water falling from the sky in droplets, important for the growth of plants and sustaining life.

Combine Cloud and Water

To create Rain in Little Alchemy 2, start by combining two important elements Cloud and Water. Drag the Cloud icon onto the Water icon to newcomer the process.

Observe the Transformation

After combining Cloud and Water, watch as the elements react and change into Rain. The newly created Rain icon will appear, completing the combination. You’ve successfully opened the Rain method in Little Alchemy 2.

Create big in little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Wood in Little Alchemy 2 is to create big. In Little Alchemy 2, big means the concept of size or size. Combining elements in the game can lead to the creation of new items, and adding big to the mix often results in larger or expanded types of existing elements.

Create big in little Alchemy 2

Philosophy + Earth

In Little Alchemy 2, first, combine Philosophy and Earth to create the concept of Planet.

Craft Big

Next, combine the newly created Planet with Knowledge to successfully achieve the creation of “Big” in Little Alchemy 2.

Little Alchemy 2 tips for soil Top of Form

The next step in creating Wood in Little Alchemy 2 is to create soil. In Little Alchemy 2, soil is a basic element that can be created by combining two primary elements. It means the important earthy component, often used as a building block for crafting more complex items in the game.

Little Alchemy 2 tips for soil Top of Form

Combine Earth and Life

In Little Alchemy 2, to create soil, start by combining the elements of Earth and Life. Drag and drop the Earth icon onto the Life icon to newcomer the combination.

Create Soil

Once you’ve successfully combined Earth and Life, you’ll answer the creation of Soil. Find the new element in your account, and you’re all set.

Little Alchemy 2 hints for plant

The next step in creating Wood in Little Alchemy 2 is to create plant. In Little Alchemy 2, a plant is a basic element that can be created by combining many other elements. It is an important element used in the game to notice and craft more complex items through the process of combining different elements.

Little Alchemy 2 hints for plant

 Combine Rain and Soil

In Little Alchemy 2, the first step to create a plant is by combining Rain and Soil. Simply drag and drop Rain onto Soil to initiate the combination.


Once Rain and Soil are successfully combined, you’ll notice the Plant element. This simple combination brings nature to life in your alchemical journey.

Little Alchemy 2 tree combination

The next step in creating Wood in Little Alchemy 2 is to create tree. In Little Alchemy 2, a plant is a basic element that can be created by combining many other elements. It is an important element used in the game to notice and craft more complex items through the process of combining different elements.

Little Alchemy 2 tree combination

Combine Big and Plant

To create a Tree in Little Alchemy 2, start by combining the elements Big and Plant. This original combination sets the foundation for the creation of a tree.

Create Tree

Once you’ve successfully combined Big and Plant, the result will be a Tree. Enjoy exploring the game more and experimenting with other combinations to answer new elements and combinations.

Blade alchemy steps in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Wood in Little Alchemy 2 is to create blade. Blade In Little Alchemy 2, is a sharp tool or arming used for cutting or sharing. Combine metal and stone to create a blade and notice its many combinations in the game.

Combine Stone and Metal

To begin the blade alchemy process in Little Alchemy 2, first, combine the elements of Stone and Metal. This combination sets the foundation for creating a sharp and tough blade.

Blade in little Alchemy 2

Once you’ve successfully combined Stone and Metal, you’ll answer the creation of a Blade. This final step in the alchemical process results in the formation of a sharp and formidable blade, ready for use in many combinations and searches within the game.

Top of Form

Little Alchemy 2 sword combinations

The next step in creating Wood in Little Alchemy 2 is to create sword. Sword In Little Alchemy 2, is a weapon crafted by combining two elements. It’s a near item used in the game’s alchemical combinations to create more advanced objects and unlock new elements.

Combine Metal and Blade

In Little Alchemy 2, the first step to create a sword is to combine Metal and Blade. Look for the Metal icon and the Blade icon in your account, then click or drag them together to freshman the combination process.

Craft Your Sword

Once you’ve successfully combined Metal and Blade, a new item, the Sword, will be created. Locate the newly formed sword in your account, and there you have it a crafted sword ready for use in your Little Alchemy 2 adventures.

How to make Wood in Little Alchemy 2? Step By Step

The final step in creating Wood in Little Alchemy 2 is to create wood.

Obtain Tree

To begin the process of creating Wood in Little Alchemy 2, combine the basic elements of Tree. Look for the Tree icon in your elements list and add it to the workspace.

Introduce Sword

Now, add the element Sword to the Tree in the workspace. The combination of Tree and Sword will magically result in the creation of Wood. Congratulations, you’ve successfully crafted Wood in Little Alchemy 2.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you tree a human in Little Alchemy 2?

In Little Alchemy 2, combine the tree and human elements to create. Drag and drop the tree icon onto the human icon to notice this magical creature.

Is Yoda in Little Alchemy 2?

Yoda is not included in Little Alchemy 2. The game features many elements, but the beloved Star Wars character is not part of the combinations.

Is time in Little Alchemy 2?

Time is not an element in Little Alchemy 2. Combine different elements to notice new items and reveal the game’s secrets.

Can you make life in little alchemy?

Combine elements like water, air, and fire in Little Alchemy to create life. Experiment and notice the magical of mixture.

What are 7 secret items in Little Alchemy?

Little Alchemy’s unseen gems by uncovering seven secret items through clever combinations and notice a world of enchanting possibilities.


Crafting wood in Little Alchemy 2 contains combining two important elements fire and water. By thoughtfully merger these elements, players can answer the transformative method that results in the creation of wood in little Alchemy 2. This simple yet intuitive combination mirrors the real-world processes of fire and hydration that back to the formation of wood.

This article has detailed many techniques for creating Wood in Little Alchemy 2. We’ve researched into the step-by-step process of crafting Wood from its basic workings and enhanced the dialog with helpful infographics. While its power attitude some challenges, with willpower and a clear path forward, any problem can be overcome.

Thank you for taking the time to fix our article detailing the Wood crafting process in Little Alchemy 2. We trust that the insights shared were informative and will support you in creating the Wood Mixture by combining the Tree and Sword elements successfully.

If you have any questions about Little Alchemy 2 or the crafting of any element, feel free to reach out to us. We are here to assist and offer more guidance whenever needed. Thank you once again for your interest and for reaching out.

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